To Our Club & Community, we have some amazing news to share with you!!
We are pleased to announce that our club has been successful in securing funding to commence building and development works in 2023.
With joint funding commitments from the State Government and the City of Onkaparinga, the club will be constructing its much needed 4 changeroom block facility, install upgraded pitch lighting, redevelop and the improve the carparking and roadways around the club and numerous other site improvements.
The club recognises that these upgrades would not be possible without the support of the South Australian Labor Government, in particular Nat Cook and Amanda Rishworth who have supported the club in its efforts to secure $1 million in funding to help fund these upgrades.
The club also recognises the significant contribution being made by the City of Onkaparinga in providing $1.7 million toward the upgrade program to be under taken in 2023. The club is extremely grateful for the support of all council members in approving this funding.
Next year will be a big year with an unprecedented $2.7million infrastructure investment being made at our club and we wish to thank our club family for your ongoing support. In 2023 we are looking forward to welcoming new members to our club family and together we are looking forward to a prosperous future at the club with your support.
Watch this space for future development information!
Bulldog Proud!